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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LMS4.2 ESC RICS0001:Internal Error,unable to process the collected data from the device

In LMS4.2, you may get the error message "ESC RICS0001:Internal Error,unable to process the collected data from the device" when your device platform is changed. For example, when you replace a router and you do the inventory! The reason is that LMS is not able to find the old index and in consequence, the inventory can't be gathered successfully.

I reported the issue to Cisco July 2012 and in November 2012 they created a development case with the bug ID CSCud15801. 

The bug hasn't been documented by Cisco. I will post the link as soon as the information is available.

There are still some manual workarounds, as delete and rediscovery the device, or unmanage/manage the device until the bug gets fixed.

1 comment:

  1. The bug is now documented. Here is the link to bug description:
