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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"%Error opening tftp:// config" Error Message

You may get the following error messages while your Cisco device is booting up:

%Error opening tftp:// (Socket error)
%Error opening tftp:// (Socket error)
%Error opening tftp:// (Socket error)

This is due to a default service configuration option included in the IOS which is trying to access a TFTP server in order to download its configuration file.

In order to fix this issue, issue the following command in global configuration mode:
Router (config)#no service config

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to check DCR through CLI

Go to the server, open CMD and issue the command:

dcrcli -u <lms user ID>

Then type your password.

The command "lsids all" will give you all the devices which exist in DCR. You can also search a device by its IP address or name.

Beside lsids, there are a lot of other operations that you can do such as add, delete and modify the existing devices.

If you need help, just type "-help" and it will give you a brief explanation of each command.