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Friday, September 16, 2011

Cisco ASA Firewall pre-shared key in plain text

If you issue a "show running-config" on a Cisco ASA Firewall or PIX, the pre-shared keys are all hidden by the asterisks. In order to visualize the pre-shared keys, you need to issue the following command in privileged mode:

ASA# more system:running-config

Hope this trick helps...

Friday, September 9, 2011

%% Non-volatile configuration memory is being accessed, Try again later

If you get the error message,
%% Non-volatile configuration memory is being accessed, Try again later

while executing "show startup-config", is because another user is connected to the same router and has issued "show conf" but hasn't still completed.

You can find out who the connected user is by issuing "show users" or "who" command.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Certified CCNP Finally...

Yesterday I passed the final exam of CCNP certification, TSHOOT and certified CCNP finally.
The exam was much easier than what I was thinking. There was a logical troubleshooting behind every trouble ticket. I can't give much information about the exam because of Cisco regulatory but I highly recommend to check this website and practice enough before taking the exam:

This website gives you a very good idea on what you should expect in the exam.

Best of luck to everyone...